Si ganteng ini kolaborasi sama
Putri Ayu. wuiiiiiiiiiiih. i like it. i like it. (copas kata-kata dari Rianti nih). Pertama gw denger nich lagu kayak lagunya Tetaplah di Hatiku yang dinyanyiin Bunga Citra Lestari feat Christian Bautista. Gw pikir nich lagu versi Bahasa Inggris nya. Eh, muncul dech judul lagunya di layar TV. Please Be careful With My Heart . Loh, kayak nya gak nyambung ya sama lagu nya BuciL . waduuuh . .. .
Putri Ayu. wuiiiiiiiiiiih. i like it. i like it. (copas kata-kata dari Rianti nih). Pertama gw denger nich lagu kayak lagunya Tetaplah di Hatiku yang dinyanyiin Bunga Citra Lestari feat Christian Bautista. Gw pikir nich lagu versi Bahasa Inggris nya. Eh, muncul dech judul lagunya di layar TV. Please Be careful With My Heart . Loh, kayak nya gak nyambung ya sama lagu nya BuciL . waduuuh . .. .
karena gw udah terSEPONA terpesona ama suaranya Si Ganteng. Langsung dech gw googling ajjah tuch lagu. Alhamdulillah nemu. Yes, yes, yes (betapa bahagianya gw)
Langsuung dech gw downLoad ajjah tuch lagu. Ternyata, aslinya tuch lagu pertama kali di nyanyiin oleh Jose Mari Chan. wuiiiihh. ga butuh waktu lama buat downLoad tuch lagu. Langsung dech gue puter. Dan hasilnya. GW SUKA.SUKA.SUKA.SUKA.SUKA BANGET.
Nich gw kasih link buat download tuch lagu.
PLease Be Careful With My Heart - Christian Bautista (Tanpa Putri Ayu Lho)
Eitz. Lum selesai nich . .
Si Ganteng nyanyiin lagunya lagi. Beautiful Girl.
Tambah cinta dech ama dia.
Nich gw tambahin link nya.
Beautiful Girl - Christian Bautista (Aslinya tetap Lagunya Jose Mari Chan)
Liriknya :
Ini Liriknya :
If you love me like you tell me
Please be careful with my heart
You can take it just don't break it
Or my world will fall apart
You are my first romance
And I'm willing to take a chance
That till lilfe is through
I'll still be loving you
I will be true to you
Just a promise from you will do
From the very start
Please be careful with my heart
I love you and you know I do
There'll be no one else for me
Promise I'll be always true
For the world and all to see
Love has heard some lies softly spoken
And I have had my heart badly broken
I've been burned and I've been hurt before
So I know just how you feel
Trust my love is real for you
I'll be gentle with your heart
I'll caress it like the morning dew
I'll be right beside you forever
I won't let our world fall apart
From the very start I'll be careful with your heart
Eitz. Lum selesai nich . .
Si Ganteng nyanyiin lagunya lagi. Beautiful Girl.
Tambah cinta dech ama dia.
Nich gw tambahin link nya.
Beautiful Girl - Christian Bautista (Aslinya tetap Lagunya Jose Mari Chan)
Liriknya :
Beautiful girl, wherever you are
I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door
I knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.
You said "hello" and I turned to go
But something in your eyes left my heart beating so
I just knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.
Refrain : It was destiny's game
For when love finally came on
I rushed in line only to find
That you were gone.
Whenever you are, I fear that I might
Have lost you forever like a song in the night
Now that I've loved again after a long, long while
I've loved again.
*Repeat Refrain
Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you
'Til all of your loveliness in my arms come true
You've made me love again after a long, long while
In love again
And I'm glad that it's you
Hmm, beautiful girl
I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door
I knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.
You said "hello" and I turned to go
But something in your eyes left my heart beating so
I just knew that I'd love again after a long, long while
I'd love again.
Refrain : It was destiny's game
For when love finally came on
I rushed in line only to find
That you were gone.
Whenever you are, I fear that I might
Have lost you forever like a song in the night
Now that I've loved again after a long, long while
I've loved again.
*Repeat Refrain
Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you
'Til all of your loveliness in my arms come true
You've made me love again after a long, long while
In love again
And I'm glad that it's you
Hmm, beautiful girl
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